Casa Y Cocina does not offer exchanges, returns, or refunds of any kind on any items offered for sale in our online store.

Many items that we carry are hand-made and may have slight imperfections that appear to be defects. These are not to be considered defects and are features of the manufacturing process. We inspect all items before shipping and we pack your orders with care. We will never send you a defective item, pinky promise!

Wash all textiles in cold water & air dry to minimize loss of color, or seepage of color onto another part of the textile and/or other textiles. Care for the textile is the customer’s responsibility and the quality of the textile is not warranted by Casa Y Cocina.

Perishable food products cannot be returned. All items from our store are sold on a non-returnable basis unless defective. We invite you to join us in store on our “Sample Saturdays” from 1PM-3PM where we provide certain samples to customers. New samples will be provided every week so please make time to visit us every Saturday!
1. Because you do not want to purchase items that someone else used, even if it was only used one time. We do not want to sell you items that someone else has used.
2. As you know, the items we carry are manufactured all over Mexico (and other parts of the world) and sold locally in the US for the convenience of our customers. It is not possible for us to return these back to the manufacturers as the management and shipping costs are exorbitant. To entertain any sort of return, we would have to incur at least 30% additional cost, meaning we’d have to pass that cost back to you, the customer. Instead we ask you to ensure you are buying the product you are going to keep and use.